Location: New York, United States

Love, hate, comments, sunshine and daydreams about films.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Floyd n Me

It was only two days back; I was watching the Live8 extravaganza, the London episode and was surfing between channels. Auspiciously by the grace of mother earth I came to the VH1 channel (who was broadcasting the Live8 show) in the time of performance of Floyd! Being a Floydian (snatched the term from my pal Indranil, who also swear by Roger Waters each day and night) I could not believe myself seeing Waters and Gilmour both on the stage for the cause of the Live8. I was stunned for a second, touched myself twice to believe into what I am seeing and Oh Boy! The two gods started singing “Wish You Were Here”, together; Gilmour sang the beginning (till “…smile from a vale”) and then Waters sang the rest. Both were playing two acoustic guitars, ‘course Gilmour played the sweet intro. Nick Mason and Richard Writes were in their common duties. The sacred song finished and then Waters started “ Hello Hello Hello…is there anybody in there “. Personally, I believe for myself “Comfortably Numb” is the most heard anthem for me, I must have heard it a zillion times, if not more…I can recall each chord, each keyboard parts, all progressions, drum parts or the classic two Gilmour solos( If I make the sound by mouth, I promise I wont miss a single note J). Both sang the song, Gilmour played the second lead( one of the best of all times) with his sheer timing and brilliance and I was mesmerized once, feeling the tears of myself when Waters cried “the child is grown the dream is gone” and then Gilmour enters the show…

My life is indebted to music, it was once more proved. I smiled after a lifetime.

In music I trust.
In Floyd I trust.


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